Make Big Change.

& Feel The Difference

Take Action For Hungary Childs
Children around the world need people like you. Find out how you can help us move the world to feed every child, and give them better lives.
Our vision is a world where every child live free from suffering - together we can move the world for children

Feed A Child
We are trying to help every child who is suffering from hunger, let’s take a pledge and feed every child around us.
You Can Make A Difference

Donate to bring a difference in the world you live in.

Join Team
If you are willing to help the needy people, you are most welcome to join our team.

Give Monthly
Plan to donate recurring amount so that we can rely on your donation to help the needy people.
Helped the needy people
Monthly helping for health care
14M $
Surgeries Performed
Glimpse of our activities done under Limra Fopundation

Glimpse of Healthcare camp organized in Limra Clinic.
Everyday is a camp day at Limra Charitable Clinics, but we organized special eye care
Donate to bring the change in someone’s life
Donate to bring the change in someone’s life. Email Marketing as Lead Generation Tactics of
More Ways You Can Help

Feed A Village
There are plenty of village who are suffering for arranging foods of their daily need.

Feed A Child
Arranging food for a child can fix a place in heaven for you or your loved once.

Campaign With Us
Campaigning for food distribution once in a week can feed more than thousand children and their parents.