Terms & Conditions


Limra Foundation (referred to as us or we) is a Registered Charity.

We operate the website Limra Foundation (the Website). These are the Terms and Conditions which govern each use you make of the donation payment services provided through the Website.

These Terms and Conditions apply separately to each single donation that you make. Except as provided for in section 6, ‘Regular Donations’, and unless specified by you, they do not form a contract allowing for future or successive transactions to be set up. By confirming on the Website that you wish to make a donation you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions for that donation.

(1) The donation services

We will use your donation at our discretion but within our stated charitable objectives.

All payments through the Website are to be made by payment card. We also accept donations by cheque. Cheques can be made payable to Limra Charitable Foundation and sent to House no. 1339, St. no. 44, Jafrabad, Delhi. Please note that we only accept payment by cash if handed to a Limra Foundation volunteer, from whom you will in return receive a receipt.

Once you confirm to us through the Website that you wish to proceed with your donation your transaction will be processed through one of our payment services providers, Stripe or PayPal, as selected by you. By confirming that you wish to proceed with your donation you authorise Stripe or PayPal to request funds from your credit or debit card provider.

(2) Gift Aid

When you donate to us through our Website and confirm that you are a UK taxpayer in accordance with the requirements of the Gift Aid scheme as they apply from time to time, we can reclaim Gift Aid. It is your responsibility to ascertain whether you qualify for Gift Aid entitlement. If you have any doubts about your entitlement for Gift Aid we recommend you consult your own advisors or HMRC about any accounting, taxation or financial consequences of making a donation that may affect you. Further information on gift aid can be found at https://limrafoundation.in/

(3) Unauthorized card use

If you become aware of fraudulent use of your card, or if it is lost or stolen, you must notify your card provider.

(4) Information from you

Before we can process a donation you must provide us with (i) your name, address and email address; and (ii) details of the credit or debit card that you wish to use to fund the donation. We will use this information to process your donation. It is your responsibility to ensure you have provided us with the correct information.

When you submit your payment details, these details will be transferred to our payment provider, Stripe or PayPal, and your payment data will be collected and processed securely by them. You should make sure that you are aware of Stripe/PayPal’s terms and conditions, which are different from our own, to ensure that you are comfortable with how they will process your personal data before you make a donation.


We won’t share your personal details with any other third party other than is set out in our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy forms part of these Donation Payment Terms and Conditions and by agreeing to these Terms and Conditions you are also agreeing to the way we use and protect your personal information in line with our Privacy Policy.

(5) Donation Refund policy

PilotsTogether supporters are incredibly important to us. Without your help, we simply wouldn’t be able to help the people who need us – or carry on providing and developing the services that so many depend on.

In common with all registered charities Limra Foundation are constrained by charity law, which means that we are only able to refund a donation in certain prescribed circumstances.

If you believe that a donation you have made should be refunded, please contact us within 14 days. Donations arising from a sponsored event are not dependent on the supporter concerned completing the event and so cannot be refunded if the event or challenge is not completed.

We truly appreciate your donations and support and recognise that there may be an occasion when you need to speak to one of our team to discuss your donation. Please email us at limrafoundation2016@gmail.com.

(6) Regular donations

These Donation Payment Terms and Conditions will only apply to successive donations made through the Website where you have set up a regular donation. When you set up a regular donation you will be scheduling a series of donations to be made on the day of the month that you choose until further notice. You agree that these Terms and Conditions will apply to each of the donations in that series.

By confirming that you wish to proceed with a regular donation you authorise our payment service provider Stripe to request funds from your credit or debit card on the day of each month that you set.

To cancel your regular donation please contact us at limrafoundation2016@gmail.com

(7) General

We reserve the right to amend these Donation Payment Terms and Conditions at any time.

These Donation Payment Terms and Conditions are governed by English law and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.